
IMG_3189 Tree Pose Grounding How to be a Strong Woman.JPG

“A gem stone is made after millions of years of pressure … rarely flawless, sometimes marked…”

Maya Kay is made of strong stuff. In her piece “How To Be A Strong Woman” part poem, part self-motivation, Maya explores the choices she’s had to make and how her strength is built on a bedrock of support. With some noir humour and a rousing ending, this is a real feel good piece for a Friday at 100 voices for 100 years. 

Maya Kay has been a freelance writer for ten years. She writes for print, radio and digital publications as well as working in book publishing. Her main role is in the gemstone and jewellery industry. 

She was raised in the English countryside near the coast, with several jaunts to the urban jungle (London). After graduating from her bachelor’s degree, she travelled across Europe and around Southern Africa. After which, she spent time attempting to explore her place in the world. Now, she is a preserves guru, yogi, hiking aficionado and usually on a quest for affordable luxury. At her happiest when venturing to far-flung destinations across the globe, sipping Darjeeling with almond milk and getting lost-found-lost in translation on her travels. She writes and publishes daily, via Instagram Stories @thecaratsoup